集保結算所配合主管機關「2013強化我國公司治理藍圖」規劃,自2014年起建置跨國投票直通處理STP(Straight Through Process)機制,並與全球最大國際投票平台Broadridge公司攜手合作,透過系統連線辦理外資股東參與我國股東會之投票作業,成功增進上市(櫃)、興櫃公司外資股東投票效率,提升我國公司治理國際形象。
有鑑於外資投資我國資本市場比率逐年成長,為擴大服務範圍及提高外資股東參與我國股東會行使股東權益,集保結算所於今(2019)年成功與全球第二大國際投票平台Institutional Shareholder Services Inc.公司(ISS公司)開展合作關係,提供使用ISS公司投票平台之外資股東,亦可利用集保結算所跨國投票直通處理STP服務,透過快速、便捷的跨國投票機制,落實股東行動主義。
ISS公司掌管全球投票事業之最高主管Lorraine Kelly指出,ISS公司非常高興能與集保結算所發展合作關係,共同打造更流暢的投票處理作業,並滿足及時傳送客戶投票指示的目標。她也進一步強調,所有投資臺灣市場的全球保管銀行客戶,都將從與集保結算所的合作中獲益。ISS公司創立於1985年,是全球頂尖的公司治理與責任投資解決方案提供者,客戶涵蓋資產所有者、資產管理業者、避險基金及其他資產服務提供業者,並以提供客觀的公司治理研究與建議聞名。
TDCC, ISS Announce Vote Delivery Partnership
TAIPEI & ROCKVILLE, Md. (June 3, 2019) -- Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation (TDCC) and Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS), the leading provider of end-to-end proxy voting solutions to the global financial community, today announced a partnership to help ensure the seamless delivery of ISS client voting instructions directly to the TDCC.
Under terms of the partnership, TDCC's STOCKVOTE e-voting system will connect directly to ISS' Global Proxy Distribution business to receive voting instructions from ISS' global custodian clients. Previously, local custodians in Taiwan acted as intermediaries to register votes lodged by ISS' global custodian clients and others. The partnership establishes a new connection to receive ISS client vote instructions for Taiwan company portfolio holdings via Straight Through Processing (STP) to better meet voting deadlines and create a more seamless voting process.
Sherman Lin, Chairman of TDCC, said, “We are delighted to partner with ISS to expand institutional investor services. In 2018, all listed companies in Taiwan have adopted TDCC's STOCKVOTE for their shareholder meetings. The partnership with ISS enables us to expand STP service coverage for more institutional investors, increasing cross-border voting efficiency and convenience. We also believe working with ISS will bring benefits to foreign investors and is a critical step in improving corporate governance in Taiwan.”
As a result of the new partnership, local custodians in Taiwan, in conjunction with their global parents, can now turn to ISS to deliver votes directly to the TDCC.
“ISS is pleased to partner with the TDCC in furtherance of our objective to streamline the voting process and to ensure timely delivery of voting instructions for our clients,” said Lorraine Kelly, Head of ISS' Global Proxy Distribution business. “All global custodian clients of ISS with exposure to the Taiwanese market can benefit from this new arrangement.”
About TDCC
Established in 1989, Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation (TDCC) is central securities depository (CSD) in Taiwan and plays the role as an essential infrastructure of Taiwan financial markets, providing custody, securities settlement, book-entry transfer, and issuer services. TDCC maintains more than 17 million investor accounts under 5,924 participants, with a total market value of US$1.5 trillion for all types of securities under custody as of the end of 2018. TDCC engaged with e-voting services, named STOCKVOTE, from 2008, and it is the sole e-voting platform in Taiwan. TDCC has been connecting with international financial markets to keep pace with global developments, and has conducted international business related to bonds, offshore funds, cross-border custody services and cross-border STP voting.
Media Contact
Julie Wang, Senior Vice President +886-2-25141335 juliewang@tdcc.com.tw
About ISS
Founded in 1985 as Institutional Shareholder Services Inc., ISS is the world’s leading provider of corporate governance and responsible investment (RI) solutions for asset owners, asset managers, hedge funds, and asset service providers. ISS’ solutions include: objective governance research and recommendations; RI data, analytics, advisory and research; end-to-end proxy voting and distribution solutions; turnkey securities class-action claims management (provided by Securities Class Action Services, LLC); and reliable global governance data and modeling tools. Clients rely on ISS' expertise to help them make informed corporate governance decisions. For more information, please visit www.issgovernance.com.
Media Contact
Subodh Mishra, Executive Director +301-556-0304 subodh.mishra@issgovernance.com